It is becoming clear now that that the Conservatives (Cameron's government) has almost identical values to those prime ministers that proceeded him, Brown and Blair. The announcement today that the Pension age will be increased to 66 but at the same time that foreign aid will stay the same ,£9.1billion, will (I Hope) be seen by all in this country as and expose of the true values of this 'rouge' political class.
Raising the pension age, cutting benefits, encouraging mass immigration and throwing half a million public sector workers out of work (during a recession) are the actions of people who don't care for the British people.
Anyone who had a heart could not do this to his own people! Anyone who was 'loyal' to his own people would not do this! Anyone who had pride in their countries armed forces could not undermine their efforts in war by cutting their finances. Anyone who shared the British people's sense of justice could not justify this political direction at all.
What really grips me is that Pakistan have received £480million from Britain since 2008! Pakistan (during this period) have ordered 52 F16 fighter aircraft and have improved their nuclear capability - they most certainly have not being spending this money on fighting disease, installing an efficient sewerage system or a much needed family planning scheme!
And we, the mugs of the world, have paid for for all of Pakistan's military growth with our hard earned and much needed taxes! Taxes that could (and should) have been used to refit the HMS Ark Royal and for an upgraded replacement for the Harrier jump jet.
Those who the god's wish to destroy they first make mad!
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