The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Common Purpose Has Gone Underground!

Find below a list of the amounts of money that Stoke-on-Trent City Council paid for 'Common Purpose' training between the 2008-2009.
There is a growing number of people who are beginning to see 'Common Purpose' as a sinister, submarine organisation that is recruiting officers of the council, as well as police officers, nurses, union officials, Army officers, teachers and other apparatchiks of the state for purposes unknown!
Facts that contribute to the suspicions surrounding 'Common Purpose' are that they are now (since BNP councillors objected to their presence in council buildings) meeting in secret (allegedly at Stoke on Trent College). After investigations by myself I can now tell you that 'Common Purpose' don't have a membership list, people who have been through their brain straightening programme are simply referred to as 'graduates'! How convenient! This means that council officers don't have to declare their membership of this organisation to councillors!
In the final anaylisis of this dark organisation I have to conclude that it must be viewed as a potential threat to the democratic structures that the people rely upon to express their will. This organisation, with a hidden agenda, possessing officers in key positions of control and influence throughout all state structures would be in a position to implement a secret agenda, one that is not reported and would inevitably be against the will and interests of the British people.

Common Purpose Invoices

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