The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Well Done Mickey White - Stoke BNP Activist Of The Year.

I was honoured to present Michael White with Stoke BNP's Activist Of The Year Award at last nights Christmas Gathering. Since joining the party a year ago Mickey has become a key activist within our branch - his ability to deliver leaflets has impressed everyone.
Mickey gave a talk on halal meat at last nights event and educated the gathering as to the enormous spread of this ritually slaughtered meat within our community. He ended his talk by roundly condemning the practice of halal slaughter and appealed to those in the audience to reject this inhumanely acquired meat.
Well done Mickey.


  1. Congratulations Mickey,
    Not only has this guy worked hard for Stoke he has also found the time to come and help us over in Shropshire on many occasions.
    A great asset to the BNP and a really nice genuine guy.
    Best wishes from Shropshire.

  2. Well done, Mickey! You deserve it mate. A big thanks to you and your fellow Stokies for also helping out in Salop recently
