There is a corner of our land where the cleansing light of justice fails to shine, its the city of Blackpool in Lancashire. Charlene Downes, a young English girl, was murdered by one or more foreigners who befriended Charlene, but with ulterior motives. These sleazy foreigners gave drugs to Charlene, when she became addicted to these hard drugs these scumbags then sold Charlene to other foreigners for sex. After a while, when Charlene was 'all used up' these people from other parts of the world murdered Charlene.
Our disgraceful masters (in fact every arm of the entire traitor/enemy regime) have diligently avoided prosecuting these vile foreigners who are responsible for Charlene's murder, and probably others young girls who have been reported missing in the area.
I, along with other members of Stoke BNP are 100% committed to challenging and defeating this foul gang who control our country and are ushering the British People down the road to destruction. When these scoundrels have been driven from power and properly punished for their crimes against my people our attention will turn to those human detritus who are responsible for the murder of Charlene Downes. I can assure all reading this that I will use whatever influence I have in the world to ensure that the trash responsible for Charlene's suffering and murder will end their miserable lives at the end of a rope!
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