The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Wise Words From The Leader Of Syria!

Unusually, the BBC allowed the broadcast of a speech made by Syria's president - Basha al-Assad, this morning.
The speech focussed upon the foreign inspired terrorist actions within his country, actions that are designed to undermine, destabilise and subvert the nation of Syria - its institutions, and in particular its leadership structures.
Although Mr Assad failed to mention the CIA or any of the other so-called ‘security services’ of the so-called west in name, he did explain in clear terms that the turmoil’s in his county are funded, planned and managed by 'forces' from 'without'.
This admirable speech made comment of how determined he and the righteous authorities of Syria are in defending their sovereign nation from foreign conspirators and those unwise opportunists within his county who are lending themselves to the nefarious plotting’s of wicked foreign forces – not for the betterment of Syria, but of their own personal interests!
As I listened to this great speech, yes – it was great, I recognised the many parallels between what is happening in Syria today…and what has happened in my own dear county of Britain, and every other western county over the past couple of centuries. The great sovereign nations of Europe, North America and throughout the world have been laid low, brought down, broken and shamed – not by the will of the peoples of those nations or by any other justifiable or genuine revolutionary folk movements – but by the dark hand of a particular, sinister force that occupies all power centres in the west! When the true and unadulterated history of this new ‘dark age’ is written – it will show that these great crimes were committed by a powerful cabal that uses the means of subterfuge and deception and evil, criminal acts to change the world. Mr Assad described how a sinister, submarine international organisation is engaged in acts of terrorism and subversion against his country, the objective of which is clearly to decapitate the current Syrian leadership and to replace that head with an ‘inserted’ head…one that serves not Syria, but those criminal conspirators that currently occupy the west, but who are not ‘western people’!
Mr Assad repeated his interpretation of this assault upon his nation as being a criminal act, an act of war no less – and that any attempt by a foreign power to overthrow his national government is clearly a criminal act that all citizens of Syria, no matter what their political or religious position, must step forward to oppose!
I'm very impressed with Mr Assad and his fine words, his analysis of the assault upon Syria – and who is responsible for it is – I believe, bang on the money. I am even more impressed with Mr Assad’s fighting spirit, here is a man who will not bend to the will of the shadowy Kings of New York…here is a man who will stand and fight! How pathetic are those who masquerade as being our ‘leaders’ here in Britain and other cowed and occupied and defeated ‘has been’ countries of the west, when compared with a real leader of the magnitude of Mr Assad of Syria!

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