A Weak And Ignorant Church Opens Its Doors To The Devil!

I was taught at school that the stained glass windows to be found in churches were there for the benefit of those (in previous centuries, and perhaps this century as well) in the congregation who could not read. The scenes, icons and images on the glass told a story and passed on a message of hope and goodness regardless of ones ability to read. Well, God help the illiterate Frenchies of Reims (France, obviously) who stumble into the ancient cathedral in that city and try to make sense of the newly installed abstract stained glass window.
The 'smashed glass' stained windows were unveiled on the 25th June, work of German 'artist' Imi Knobel who was commissioned by the church (idiots, collaborators) to replace some 'old' stained glass that no longer gave a 'modern' message. Imi Knobel say that his new creation “returns to the original chromatic language of the cathedral, producing a symbiosis between old and new. The color gives quality, weight and balance, with colours as well as luminance”!
In my view, for what it's worth, I think that this stained glass is a pile of pretentious crap! But no (thinking about it), much more that this, its a calculated insult to the traditional church. An insult because actually there is a complete absence of any meaningful message in this glass (nothing good or hopeful is communicated)!
It is clear in my mind what Mr Knobel really intended to achieve with this 'mad' window. He is using the 'smashed glass' window theme as a point at which he can challenge and change the traditional church (using the smashed glass as a change agent), in that its message is obviously screaming out that:
- There is no good and no bad.
- There is no virtue and no evil.
- Your church is smashed.
- Your are smashed.
- Your values are smashed.
- Your traditional morality is smashed.
- The 'New World Order' tyrants are your new masters.
- Your God is dead.
I strongly suspect that Mr Knobel detests the traditional Christian European Churches and has snatched this opportunity to deliver a well aimed smack in the chops. What sickens me most is how all of the apparatchiks of the conquerors of Europe rave and applaud over these grievous insults to our ancestral culture, have they no shame?
You see, its the same cosmopolitan 'new world order' crowd that have been forcing the multi-racialising and undermining of the European World (I include North America in that) since the 1860's who are responsible for this 'spitting in the face of the Christian God' at the Reims Cathedral, these creeps delight in insulting the traditional church. Those who have planned for a century or more to break the ancestral nation states of Europe (the noble nations) know that the first and most important pillar they must remove to bring about collapse is a united church, for they know that a people without faith are weak and easily conquered. I predict that in the coming years that we will see more of this kind of tampering with church windows, it may have started at the 800 year old Reims Cathederal, but for sure it will be coming to a neigbourhood near you soon.
This 'I Hate You And Your Church' themed glass may not be fully recognised for what it is by most shoppers, at least not in a conscious way - but they may pick up on the message at a subliminal level. I fear that many of the boobs who visit this tourist cathederal will, in their stupidity and ignorance, think that this colourful smashed glass thing 'looks good', but any that think this are simply expopsing themselves as common knaves!
I have done a bit of homework on the reaction to the broken glass insult by the traditional occupants of the church and I'm quite pleased to find that there are still some wise heads there who recognise this outrage for what it really is. I am very dissapointed to report to you however that the church heiracy at Reims Cathederal has embraced the devil in this matter and for their own convenience (perhaps they lack the bottle to fight) have welcomed the demons into the church. In fact, its been a feature of the decline of the western world that the masters of the Anglican and Catholic churches have completely surrendered on every destructive agenda brought to their door by the cosmopolitan, internationalist, new world order regime'.
What I know for sure is that a feature of the re-birth of the west will be a well overdue purge of all of the weakling collaborators and quislings from our churches. This being an essential prelude to the revival of the church and a new beginning for European Peoples of the world. Our churches must, once again, become the spiritual leaders of our people, who, with new religious vigour will be united and wizened, empowered - more that ready to take on the international enemy.
In finishing, the main point I would like to communicate to you dear reader is that the Judas class has infiltrated the upper reaches of the Christian church and that we need to be aware of their collaboration with the enemies from the east.
Anyway, have a good look at this bloody broken glass. Roll on the day when Christ returns, I'm sure one of his first acts will be to visit Reims Cathederal and upon viewing this disgrace in one of his churches will pick up the nearest heavy object (a pew perhaps)and launch it through the window!
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