You see, the new world order tyrants hate and fear independent sovereign nations, they hate the indigenous peoples that populate them, they hate their religions, their cultures and their national institutions. All of this because these things are all obstacles in the way of their 'new world order' (non-religious, non-culture, border-less, heritage-less, history-less, nation-less shopper/worker drones) programme - and thus must be destroyed or converted. I will point out at this juncture that we members of the BNP (who are often presented as haters and bigots) will be looking for friendly relations and team-working between the ancestral peoples and nations of the world in the future, our objective will be to create a united 'World Resistance' against the 'new world order' brutes who are planning to enslave the world and destroy/merge all of its diversity!
A soldier who I know has confided in me that members of a certain regiment have been asked by their senior officers if ordered they would turn their guns on their own (British) people! To their great credit the soldiers were very robust in their response, telling their officers that they would never do this. And here is the problem for the 'new world order' tyrants, the British military cannot be relied upon to impose the 'new world order' tyranny - as it will involve the rigorous and brutal suppression of the British People - and here is perhaps the main reason for the dissolution and replacement of the British Armed Forces.
The British military, for a thousand years has been a force for good that has supported and defended our people and land from foreign tyrants will be (is being) replaced by an armed foreign force of men (who receive their orders from foreign generals) who have no allegiance to our people, who will turn their guns onto the British People when ordered, who will turn the British Isles into a prison for the British People, and who will be at the forefront of imposing the 'one world' tyranny upon my people.
This conflict (new world order versus the peoples of the world), ladies and gentlemen, will result in the greatest and most brutal war the world has ever seen. The war has already started, only its just the phoney war at the moment, the real war will develop (is developing) over the next fifty years or sooner, the fighting will begin when the new world order banking scam falls to pieces, when it does we (the British People) will be,yet again, calling upon the remnants of the most excellent military tradition in the world - The British Army, The Royal Navy and the Royal Air Force for our protection and resurgance!
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