The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!

Friday, 30 September 2011

Discrimination Is The Key To A Civilised Society!

Had a great day leafleting today, the weather was unseasonably warm. Our new leaflet was distributed to 1500 houses in the Smallthorne area of Stoke-on-Trent, we will be putting out 7000 of these leaflets in that particular area in total. Its purpose is to expose, apportion blame and condemn Stoke-on-Trent City Council (and the corrupt political establishment) for dumping vile drug addicts, convicted paedophiles, crazy people who should be in care and drunken bums in our society. The destruction that these low-life scumbags bring to our communities can not be overestimated.
The moral corruption that we are witnessing is breathtaking, we have council officers (paid massive wages from the city finances) who are callously implementing a social Marxist universal integration programme upon an unaware population. These officers of course don't live in the shit society they are responsible for engineering, they live elsewhere, usually the cosy/safe suburbs, sometimes in lovely villages 50 miles away from the city that they have so much control over.
As the leaflet points out, the placement of large numbers (Stoke-on-Trent has 1400 recognised dug addicts and 3500 habitual criminals out of a population of 240,000) into one of the five social housing areas is devastating to those communities. Decent folks who live on those estates complain to me of feeling depressed about the community they live in, they want to leave that community to get away from the crime, the violent druggies and drunks - in short, the indecency that those devils in suits up at the council are responsible for.
The leaflet suggests a solution to this growing problem - the answer is of course discrimination! We must, if we are to live in a civilised community, remove all individuals and groupings who would bring criminality to that society, failure to do so will absolutely, inevitably result in social destabilisation and ultimately total failure.
In crude terms I could best explain the situation on the council estates of Stoke-on-Trent by equating them with the human body's need to expel its waste products! If the body does not (for whatever reason) remove the waste products from its system them the body becomes poisoned and dies. This is precisely what is happening to certain societies in Stoke-on-Trent - they are being poisoned to death (social Marxist integrationist programme) by a bunch of criminals in suits down at the city council who during the whole of this wicked murdering process will claim that they are only serving the best interests of the community!
We at Stoke BNP aren't falling for that shit any longer, we are reaching for our swords and will be looking for those weasels who are 'slow poisoning' our people and society!

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