The full council meeting now last about three hours - without any meaningful debate or confrontation. When the BNP was on the council the meetings used to last six hours and consisted almost entirely of aggressive challenge and defiance (and shouting, howling and piss-taking) of the ruling (Lib/Lab/Con) coalition.
It was this relentless (and dangerous) confrontation by the BNP in the council that forced the hand of the government who sent in their 'Governance Commission' with orders to 'sort the BNP out'! The result was the fourteen recommendations that included the abolition of year on year elections, a drastic reduction in the number of councillors and the re-drawing of the ward boundaries. All of these measures were calculated to prevent the advance of the BNP.
In particular the abolition of the yearly elections will mean that the responsive local democracy that Stoke-on-Trent needs will result in future councils being free to undertake unpopular and hostile agendas free of suffering any consequences at the ballot box - this was what the then Labour Government (led by Gordon Brown) really wanted.
And so the way is now clear for Red Socialists to implement their horrible and unpopular minority agenda upon the city - for the next four years at least. An agenda that will include the continued economic decline, increase in unemployment (25,000 work-less out of a working population of 110,000 at present), the flooding of our city with Muslims and Blacks (in fact a complete population replacement programme - darkies in, whities out!) , and the exodus of the oppressed and exasperated Stokies. The ultimate outcome of this Red Socialist plot will be a city with no jobs, with a hundred Mosques, massive crime rate, thousands of very poor, sad elderly folk - a city (similar to the inner boroughs of Bradford) where no self respecting Christian Briton would want to live, or could live. And throughout all of this negative change the people of the city will have very few opportunities to 'vote their way out of trouble'!
And so the look and feel of the tyranny that is coming to the West (its already in Stoke-on-Trent) is taking shape before us, it will be global and technical - it will operate (in the main) by way of deception, it wont be democratic (but will present a false democracy to the multitudes).
Before I depress you too much I will make you aware that this shit tyranny that is forming will (like the old Britain it replaced) itself fail - and it wont take long before it fails completely. The economic knife-edge that it lives upon, the darkie riots in London and other major English cities, the imminent conflict between insurgent Islam and the non-Islamic resistance - all of these things represent cracks within the system of the tyranny - these small cracks will (in time) become big cracks, that is when the tyrants house will fall!
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