The question before us is: why would an organisation use hundreds of millions of pounds of public money to demolish perfectly good houses and then to move the displaced people miles away? The answer is quite sinister. Under the West Midlands Core Spatial Strategy (Stoke-on-Trent's regeneration agenda falls under this strategy) it is 'visioned' that large numbers of people will be moved from the overpopulated (overcrowded) parts of the West Midlands (Birmingham) and placed in towns and cities that were (for various reasons) depopulating. The obvious problem with this strategy was the lack of social housing in city's like Stoke-on-Trent (we have 12,000 Stokies on the council house waiting list) - there simply was not sufficient houses in the city to transport the 'newcomers' into. An even greater problem was the incumbent ancestral English population that was not going anywhere soon that would present an insurmountable block on any large scale population transplants (as described in the strategy).
And so the 'planners' designed a house building/demolition project that would loosen up these pesky blockages and achieve the three (Labour) Government objectives at that time:
- Provide an opportunity to force a rapid population replacement programme aimed at 'intact' ancestral English towns and cities.
- Transport large numbers of foreigners (mainly Muslims) from their ghettos in Birmingham and into the English enclaves.
- Achieve (a multi-racialising/multi-culturalising movement of foreigners into the sacred English heartlands) in 25 years what would take 250 years under 'unforced' conditions.
I have great pleasure in telling you that the programme has failed, temporarily! The reason: the worldwide recession and the banking collapse has resulted in the private 'market driven' element of the project falling flat on its backside! House building companies simply are not interested in building houses during a recession, in a city with massive unemployment and a devastated economy. All that Renew have achieved is the demolition of 2500 houses (this has contributed enormously to the housing crisis in our city) and the building of just 500 (out of a planned 5000) very small (like dolls houses), poxy houses.
All in all Renew has been a disaster! It has been responsible for the massacre of several ancestral English communities within the city of Stoke-on-Trent, the families who lived there (in many cases have lived in those communities for more than a hundred years) have been 'dispersed' to other areas - some out of our city altogether.
I have no doubt that what we have witnessed here in Stoke-on-Trent was a criminal conspiracy to destroy long standing English communities and forceably 'change' them into multi-culturaised shit holes - all of this being done by stealth, by deception and non of it with the sanction of the British people! This, of course is the Red Socialist's and their partners in crime, the internationalists, first objective - to destroy the ancestral cultures of Britain and Europe. There wont be many people who have seen this 'Renewal' for what it really is , but I can see the crimes here.
In finishing, The house in the picture was the family home of my friend, his family had occupied the house since it was built in 1952. Unfortunately, the family has now been split up with some living at the other end of the city, all of this - the loss of their family home, its demolition, not being able to live together any more, has caused them a great deal of heartache.
I have to tell you that this 'Renewal' will re-commence (it has only paused due to economic conditions) if ever the economy recovers, and the blacking of our fair city will begin again. I will also tell you that we at Stoke BNP will be ready and waiting for the next round of destruction, we will be exposing this criminal conspiracy against our people and will be offering a political alternative at the next elections!
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