What it truly strange in this matter is the fact that there is no Turkish tradition in North Staffordshire of any kind (unless you consider a couple of kebab shops to be a profound and historical presence)! It would seem that this group have just closed their eyes and stuck a pin in a map of Britain when choosing a location for their project, or, thinking about it, perhaps there is a department of our wonderful and responsible government that helps such groups to identify places where they want them to settle.
Anyway, we wandered around this building and the first thing we noted was its size, it has at least forty rooms. The second thing we noticed was the complete unsuitability of that area for such a facility - the streets around it are already at crisis point with the over-parking of cars and the fact that this building is slap bang in the middle of a 99% white middle/working class English community. For that borough council to give permission to this transparent multi-racialising/social engineering project will indicate the inner (hidden) objectives of those who join and serve the Labour and Conservative parties.
Standing there, looking at this very large building and knowing that in 2015 Turkey will become a full member of the European Union - and the great likelihood that several thousand of Turkey's 70 million peasants will take the opportunity (there are 7 million Turks living in Germany) of getting themselves to good, well paid work or easy money from the social security - led us to realise the terrible betrayal that community has suffered. What was once an ancestral English market town will become, on and after 2015, the travelling (and settling) destination for thousands of Turks - turning Newcastle-under-Lyme into what can only de described as North Staffordshire's 'Little Turkey'!
I've tried to find out some background information on this 'Bright Education' organisation and I have to tell you I have learnt very little from my internet searches, perhaps someone reading this post can educate me as to the history of this group.
What I know (its in the planning documents) is that 'religious education' will one of the things that will be going on in that building - I can only assume that this will be a 'reading room' - which, I have learnt over the years is just another name for an improvised Mosque!
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