In fact, my own observations of peoples reaction to this Massive Central Mosque imposition is that they are demoralised and depressed by it - many of them confiding in me that this Mosque (the biggest Mosque in Staffordshire) signals the end for 'their' Stoke-on-Trent! The people of Stoke-on-Trent aren't stupid, they know what happens when a Muslim Central Mosque is built in an area - it is the precursor to the total Muslim occupation of that area and the inevitable 'forcing out' of the indigenous/ancestral folk - all of this monstrous 'population replacement' will be aided and assisted by the Labour Council, security will be provided by the police (should any of the Stokies speak out and object)!
I was a councillor on Stoke-on-Trent City Council when this project was first suggested, I, along with my fellow BNP councillors did everything we could (bar jumping over the table and strangling the bastards) to stop this unwanted Mosque project. For the record, the Labour Group on the council and the elected Labour Mayor made this project happen - they were fully supported by the Conservative, Liberal and Independent Groups - only the BNP councillors stood up for the people (the vast majority of who oppose this project) of Stoke-on-Trent.
Although I cannot sanction the violent actions of the two young men who were found guilty (three days ago) of attempting to blow the Mosque up (by filling it full of gas, then igniting the gas), I have to be honest and admit that I understand and share the anger that must have been in their hearts as they witnessed this Mosque been built in their city. One of these young men was a British Soldier whose regiment is currently serving in Afghanistan. I'm sure many reading this blog will sympathise with that soldier, understanding as we do that he will have witnessed his fellow soldiers being brought back to Britain in body-bags after being killed by violent Muslim's (al-Qaeda) in that country, and yet here in Stoke-on-Trent (just a mile from his home) he was seeing a huge Muslim Mosque being built in his city, courtesy of the Labour council! One can only guess at the sense of betrayal and confusion that this young man must have endured. I consider that the ten years imprisonment given to this young man is excessive, its too much. Such a sentence is clearly a political one, indicating that the anti-British class are fully in control of our courts - which means that patriotic Britons (in fact anyone who opposes the enforced foreign occupation of our island) cannot expect a fair trial.
I will finish this piece by listing the crimes of those who have conspired to bring this outrageous Mosque project into being and to give all reading this blog a commitment that 'when the revolution comes' I will be arresting those responsible and making sure that they are taken to a 'British Peoples Court', who, I'm quite sure, will take a dim view of their treason!
Here are the crimes:
- Giving land to a minority group (worth £600,000), against the express interests and wishes of the people of Stoke-on-Trent!
- A deliberate and calculated act of defiance against the Christian culture of these islands (insensitivity towards the British, Christian Culture).
- Promoting the interests of a foreign religion, using resources of the British People without permission!
- Aiding and assisting the Muslim occupation of Stoke-on-Trent - against the interests of the Christian tradition of this city!
- Opening up the gates of this city to a religious force whose values are diametrically opposed to the pragmatic and open values of the people of Britain!
- The Labour, Conservative and Independent Groups have betrayed the will of the people of Stoke-on-Trent, pursuing a minority agenda, not being honest about that agenda!
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