I will draw your attention to the attached picture that I took this morning with the camera on my two-way. It reads "No Smack No Mosque", this stark message was written on the side of a piece of street furniture in Regent Road, Hanley. Many of you will remember that this is the street that the new central mosque has been built in, in Stoke-on-Trent.
This message: "No Smack No Mosque" was written on dozens of lampposts all around the Regent Road area - someone has gone to a lot of trouble (and risk) to pass this message on to the general community.
I think that the person who wrote this message is trying to expose what large numbers of people in Stoke-on-Trent are fully aware of, but dare not speak of, that is of course of the propensity of various ethnic minorities for the distribution of hard drugs in our community.
A policeman friend of mine has told me that 70% of heroin coming into Stoke-on-Trent does so via the Asian drug dealers, and that it is coming into Britain via two international airports - Manchester and Birmingham.
The link, suggested by the author of the 'street comment', that there is a link between the 'smack' and the 'mosque' is, as yet, unproven (to me at least). But I will from this point onwards be mindful of the suggestion by our 'phantom scribbler', if I discover any evidence that supports any such 'linkage' then I will of course pass it onto you.
There is a direct link - Pakistanis dominate the heroin trade.