The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.

The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!

Friday, 3 February 2012

The Writing Is On The Wall!

I attribute a great deal of importance to the things that people write on walls, lampposts, public toilet doors and other, unofficial and un-policed, means of personal expression. Such scribblings are important to me because I have learnt, over the years, that they usually contain comment's that would be considered criminal, or at least frowned upon by polite, politically correct society - and yet are factually correct. In fact, perhaps the key point of this posting is that the controls and oppressions upon the public mind are now so great that the only truly free outlet for our politically incorrect opinions is to scratch them onto the back of the door in the local public lavatory!
I will draw your attention to the attached picture that I took this morning with the camera on my two-way. It reads "No Smack No Mosque", this stark message was written on the side of a piece of street furniture in Regent Road, Hanley. Many of you will remember that this is the street that the new central mosque has been built in, in Stoke-on-Trent.
This message: "No Smack No Mosque" was written on dozens of lampposts all around the Regent Road area - someone has gone to a lot of trouble (and risk) to pass this message on to the general community.
I think that the person who wrote this message is trying to expose what large numbers of people in Stoke-on-Trent are fully aware of, but dare not speak of, that is of course of the propensity of various ethnic minorities for the distribution of hard drugs in our community.
A policeman friend of mine has told me that 70% of heroin coming into Stoke-on-Trent does so via the Asian drug dealers, and that it is coming into Britain via two international airports - Manchester and Birmingham.
The link, suggested by the author of the 'street comment', that there is a link between the 'smack' and the 'mosque' is, as yet, unproven (to me at least). But I will from this point onwards be mindful of the suggestion by our 'phantom scribbler', if I discover any evidence that supports any such 'linkage' then I will of course pass it onto you.

1 comment:

  1. There is a direct link - Pakistanis dominate the heroin trade.
