"Can you see it, can you feel it, the tyranny around us?" I can see it, and so should you. The ongoing persecution of the England Football Team captain - John Terry, should give you a glimpse of what our new masters want to do to our homeland - and anyone who opposes their evil programme (even unwittingly).
John Terry is now the subject of a criminal prosecution, his crime, alledgedly was to utter a 'racist' comment during a football match. The speed with which John Terry has been dragged before the courts is shocking! I am aware of well know drug dealers in Stoke-on-Trent (as are the police) who deal there poison and have been doing so for years without being confronted by the law. I'm also aware that there are hundreds of Asian paedophiles whi groom English girls to be raped and prostituted, again these terrible crimes have being going on for decades - without police or court action. How can it be that an 'off the cuff' remark by the England Capatain can receive such rapid and energetic treatment and yet the really serious crimes are safely put aside, not reported by the media? I think many of you reading this blog will know the answer to this postulate - the answer is that John Terry has (alledgedly) committed a serious thought/speech crime a crime that our evil masters fear and hate more that the paedophiles and the drug dealers. And so all of the lazy apparatus of the enemy state lifts its fat arse off the comfy chairs (allocated to the loyal/triator collaboraters of the enemy regime) and break into a trot to deal with the 'John Terry's' of Britain who' even to the slightest extent, even uncomprehendingly' dare to utter words that threaten to blow the lid off our Dark Enemy's grand plan of racial and national destruction. Such is the sensitivity of our foreign masters to the issue of 'race' (sensitive because they know that it will be their ultimate undoing) that they have set their attack dogs in the media to deliver a smack to John Terry. This captain of our national team is being targeted for destruction by the Red Socialist/Internationalist Media. You may have noticed several hundred such 'persecutions' in the national and local media over the past six months, this follows the directives sent out to members of the National Union of Journalists last year (THE VAST MAJORITY OF JOURNALISTS AND NEWSPAPER AND TELEVISION EDITORS ARE MEMBERS OF THIS HARD LEFT, COMMUNIST, SO CALLED UNION!) that required its members to use any and all means (they use the television stations and the newspapers that you buy and watch every day) to expose and highlight any individual or organisation that expresses anything that could be construde as a 'racial' opr 'racist' opinion.
I personally have witnessed a dozen articles in the local toilet paper (newspaper) here in Stoke-on-Trent that is transparently designed to criminalise and persecute anyone who dare to 'have an opinion' on race that is contrary to the official political position of the shit/enemy regime we are so unfortunate to live under.
This technique of 'mind control' (of the masses) is horrible and obvious parallels can be drawn with the tyranny of the Russian peoples under to vile Communist regime from the early 1920's.
The objective of our foreign masters (the same foreign masters who slaughtered millions of Russian's in the last century, actually) is to undermine our ability to express our 'race pride' or even our 'race identity' it is their express wish to 'close down' any discussion on matters of race. They want to completely remove from 'permissible opinion' any concept of racial difference, they want to remove our ability to speak about race and difference - anyone who does will face the same treatment (persecution in the traitor courts) as John Terry. If you speak about race or even if you acknowledge that there are 'races' you will risk being identified by our masters media and police as a 'racist' - this being one of the most serious and 'subversive' crimes in our occupied homeland.
I've become a fan of Fabio Capello, the manager of the England Football Team who resigned today as a result of the England Football Association's treatment of John Terry, Mr Cappello is obviously disgusted with the FA and there collaboration in the persecution of John Terry (his Captain) with the Red Dogs of the enemy media, Mr Capello's principled position in this matter is very much to be admired.
How much longer will we sit here and watch this tyranny destroy our homeland, how many more days must I suffer the shame of watching these foreign dogs take away the freedoms of speech and thought of my people, how much longer will the Great British People slumber and let this scum stab their knives into our mouths and our brains?
ReplyDeleteWell said Michael , could'nt have put it better !
ReplyDeleteDo not worry yourselves,the so called white underclass are not as thick as the scum traitors think, i have a 20 year old son another white boy without a future thanks to the liblabcon but i have educated him and his friends and they are chomping at the bit to get stuck in and take our country back and the white youth far and wide are starting to feel the same,who the hell do these people think they are to sell our childrens lives and futures down the river while feathering their own nests,enough is enough,the traitors in the councils and the police are going to find themselves caught in a huge pincer movement and will be treated the same as they have treated us,we are just waiting for their beloved ethnic areas to blow and they will feel the righteous anger and hatred of the real British,something akin to Bodica ,shit or bust.