It is a source of great pride and satisfaction that we learn today that the radical Islamists jailed for plotting to blow up the London Stock Exchange were also planning attacks against members of Stoke BNP. Information released by the security services during the trial of these Radical, Terrorist Muslim scumbags indicate that they were plotting to plant bombs in the toilets of public houses (other targets were hinted at but no details were released, we shall have to use our imagination when trying to deduce these 'undisclosed' Stoke-on-Trent targets) in Stoke-on-Trent, presumably the pubs that we (Stoke BNP) and other nationalists use. Other issues that we need to note here are the fact that all of this shit were born in Britain, they received their 'training' from British based radical preachers and they were planning a Mumbai style assault upon a high profile target in London that would have undoubtedly resulted in hundreds of deaths. Reports from the trial also confirm the determination of these rats to impose Muslim (Sharia) law upon the world (that includes the people of Stoke-on-Trent!). Predictably, further reports reveal that the Islamics have a deep hatred of non-Muslims (this despite claims by some 'soft' Muslims that they are a peace loving religion!), referring to them as 'dogs' and lamenting the fact that the 'Kuffar's' have no fear inside them!
Its important that we acknowledge here that Stoke BNP have been targeted for what these terrorists call "a little vigilante thing" because we here at Stoke BNP have become so effective at exposing the terrible threat of insurgent, violent Islam within our homeland. In short, our programme is effective, it has impacted in the way that we had planned and now we can continue our campaign against these 'tyrants in waiting' knowing that we can achieve even greater success in the future.
Tediously, and predictably, the multi-culti shit spreaders in the controlled media lie factories have been falling over themselves to distance the 'naughty' terrorist Muslims from the 'nice' tame Muslims. Its quite boring to see the local Imams dragged out of the local Mosques and stood in front of camera only to tell the boobs in TV land the the local Muslim community condemns these these 'violent thugs'. All of this propaganda is so false, so stupid, only the most naive and retarded white boobs are actually swallowing this crap. The fact is that opinion polls (undertaken by dozens of independent organisations, including the British Security Services) of Muslims in Britain tell us time and time again that 10% of that population 'strongly' support terrorist action against Britain and America and 40% 'have warm feelings' for Muslim terrorists! This is the bomb shell of truth that we all need to believe, we are talking here of more than a million Muslims here in Britain who 'tacitly' support acts of violence against the 'state'! It is this terrible truth that sets the intelligent and responsible mind running, thinking of the future, wondering what our beloved homeland will be like in 100 years when the Muslim population outnumbers the indigenous British population - what is the future for our children and grandchildren under the new, powerful Muslim overlords?
Anyway, as is my habit, I will bring this post to a close by listing a few of my observations and opinions on this most serious matter:
1. I don't accept that the Muslim community are British. These people - are not my people, not my flesh, not my culture - they (by their own admission and protestations) are very different, very foreign, to my mind.
2. I don't accept the enemy/traitor political programme of enforced integration of vast numbers of Muslims onto my island. I reject (respectfully, for now) the presence of these foreign invaders upon my sacred isle.
3. This Muslim terrorist plot event, in my home city - Stoke-on-Trent, is indicative of a step escalation in the threat to my people - the British People. There will be, there must be, a step escalation in my peoples campaign to protect themselves from this serious/emerging threat to our well-being.
4. Looking forward, I predict, that if this emerging situation of conflict goes unchecked, then with fifty years the scene within our inner city's will follow closely the post-war Beirut model - of inter religious, cultural and race conflict (also I think between the poor and the wealthy)!
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