The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the Britrish National Party.
The views expressed in this blog are my own, not those of the British National Party.
Great Britain is a free country, I am free to express my opinions!
Monday, 27 February 2012
Phase Two Of The BNP Project Begins!
I am pleased to report to you the success of Saturday’s BNP demonstration in Hyde (a town to be found within the boundary of Greater Manchester). Our demo’s objective was to expose and condemn the relentless persecution of the indigenous population of that town by the local Muslim/Asian community. This persecution, suffered for a number of decades by the abandoned English working class folk of Hyde (in stoic silence mainly) includes the raping and prostituting of English girls, the forcing of drugs onto those girls to facilitate their continued rape and prostitution. The beating of young English men of the town by Muslim gangs is most significant as it confirms the presence of the radical Islamic inspired ‘Street Jihad Intifada’ (holy street war) in that area. Many of you will be unaware that the radical Islamic’s who are living in our country (usually associated with Central Mosques) have been inciting young Muslim men to attack young English men with the intention to spread fear of Islam within the non-Islamic community, to oppress (using violence) and to defeat the English community (all of this aided and abetted, funded and covered up by all institutions of the enemy/traitor establishment – police, courts, media, council’s etc.). Looking at the examples of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Many North African States and many Middle Eastern States the sudden emergence of the ‘Street Jihad Intifada’ (organised violence toward non-Muslim’s) must (is most likely) be linked with the radicalisation of Islam throughout the world – in recent years. We must also understand that this Radical Islamic inspired violence is a prelude to the ‘total occupation’ of affected areas (such as Hyde, but we see similar Islamic violence in places like Egypt or Palestine). This insidious programme will include the expulsion of the ‘infidels’ or their conversion, or their total subjugation, also the imposition of Sharia law!
There were 300 BNP members and supporters at this activity, it delighted me to see a large number of lads and lasses from the town standing with us (many of them had been victims of Muslim/Asian violence in the past) these young people were grateful and excited that the BNP were in their town representing their interests, and we were joined later by members of the English Defence League – a great group of robust Englishmen. Our opponents on the day were 1000 Muslim’s who congregated outside of the local Mosque (just 400 yards from our position). Between them and us were quite a large number of police. We were allowed to learn that it was the intention of this gathering of Muslim’s to ‘charge’ our position! The ‘Muslim charge’ did not materialise in the end but all who participated in our demonstration were very much conscious of the immense seriousness of this situation. There it was, laid bare - two communities, totally at odds, with no common religion, no common values, no common race or culture in a ‘Mexican Standoff’ type situation in an English town on a Saturday afternoon! There can be no clearer indication of the failure of the multi-cultural society than this incident in Hyde, Greater Manchester, on Saturday! Multi-culturalism has failed in Hyde, there is a complete absence of multi-culti harmony in Hyde, it is failing in Stoke-on-Trent and every other town and city where this criminal conspiracy (enforced multi-culturalism) is imposed. So, it’s all over, the entire project of the enforced ‘Blacking’ of Britain has been exposed as a complete failure, the ‘abstract’ theory of multi-culturalism (championed by the hair brained do-gooders and the sinister evil doers of New York and London) has been ‘tried out’ and found to be a ‘corrupt programme’ resulting in a social ‘crash’! There can be no repair now (the social crash is far beyond the point of no return) and the efforts of the Red Socialists and their disgusting co-religionists in the media and the shit political front organisations (Lib/Lab/Con) to hide this failure is itself failing! No matter what they do to prop up this flawed society I now am absolutely certain of its ultimate failure, Britain is not developing into a multi-racial utopia (as presented by the Ministry Of Propaganda) it is becoming a multi-racial hell where violence, disintegration and conflict are the norm! The more they try to make their beloved programme work the more they create a destabilised and fragmented society – they (Red Socialists and our ‘New York’ masters) have created the dynamics of their own downfall – how poetic!
Enter right, the BNP! For what it is worth, I hereby declare that ‘Phase One’ of the BNP Project was a startling success! Since 1982 this party has grown and developed into a truly significant political force, we have learnt how to win (and maintain) public support, we have learnt how to get our members elected. This first phase (Phase One) ended for me a couple of years ago, when Nick Griffin was elected to the European Parliament, after the excitement of that victory had faded I was left with an unsettling feeling of ‘What Now’! Yes we can get people elected, that was great and flattering, but deep down I knew that ‘winning’ the odd seat in a council or even in parliament will not bring the revolutionary social change that I desire and my country needs to survive. I have to admit; perhaps I am not alone, that for the past two years I have been ‘wandering in the wilderness’ so to speak, wandering and wondering of what steps and what direction we must take now! Phase Two of the BNP Project started for me on Saturday, in Hyde! For on that day the path that the BNP must now walk became as clear as day. That situation, in Hyde, was so stark, so clearly defined – that it was the source of a political revelation for me, providing me with a ‘North Star’ that I may use to gather my bearings, and to calculate my new course. And so I hereby declare (again, for what it is worth) that the BNP must become a British Rights movement/party that will be at the forefront of representing the interests of the betrayed Britons. The BNP must ‘morph’ into its new form as soon as possible, our people are desperate for genuine political representation on a dozen taboo subjects, it is the duty of the BNP to get into this ‘taboo’ business and do the deal for our people. The New BNP, pursuing ‘British Rights’ issues will be far more difficult to damage (by our not inconsiderable enemies), for our clarion cry will be simplistic and easy to understand, will be of ‘natural politics’, avoiding difficult ideological politics that leave the general population cold. Populist ‘Rights’ politics will be far more attractive to the type of people that our party needs, and would wish, to recruit. Having been a BNP Councillor in Stoke-on-Trent for four years I can testify to you that our campaigns (although appreciated by local residents) to install ‘Dog Waste Bins’ and to ‘Pick That Litter Up’ have not resulted in any great upsurge in local membership – in fact if I’m brutally honest, I must tell you that we have lost members from Stoke BNP because of our dalliance with these unspeakably dull issues! And so the lesson learnt here is: that people don’t join the BNP so that they can campaign to get the cracked paving stones on their street repaired – they join the BNP to ‘Fight For Their Country’! Therefore, we need to apply this learning when we choose which campaigns to get involved in – our campaigns and energies must be directed toward ‘life giving’ projects, projects that bring in new members, that improve our public support, that critically damage our enemies, that improve the BNP’s position in a symbiotic and wholistic way! The BNP’s new ‘rights position’ will give us access to all of the best arguments, will give us the highest moral ground and will present an extremely difficult political target for those who oppose us – it will (I believe) take us to the next step in the evolution of our party.
My final observation of the Hyde Demonstration, I know others will agree with this, is the continued growth and development of the leader of the BNP – Nick Griffin. I, along with many others, watch Mr Griffin very closely, and I can testify here to you all that Nick Griffin is without a doubt the greatest advantage the BNP has. He has steered our party through difficult waters over the past two years (in fact since 1999 when he became leader) and, despite all of the efforts of ‘the enemies within and without’ to ‘monster’ Nick Griffin, to slander him, to blacken his name and reputation – Nick has kept calm and carried on. It is these excellent qualities of inner fortitude and an unshakeable belief in the BNP campaign and a 100% dedication to serving the interests of the British Tradition that leads me to conclude that we have a truly great British hero at the helm of our party. Despite the efforts of the filthy weasels in the shit media to present Nick Griffin as some sort of bad guy I predict that when the ‘true’ history of our time is written (in a couple of hundred years’ time perhaps) then Nick Griffin will finally be given the praise and recognition he deserves.
In honour of the magnificent sacrifice and contribution of Nick Griffin I hereby present the great poem ‘If’ by Rudyard Kipling. This poem describes some of challenges faced by Nick and the ‘character’ he has had to muster to overcome them.
IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: 'Hold on!'
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
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