Please study the picture enclosed. It is of a sticker that has been stuck on a street sign in Tunstall, Stoke-on-Trent. According to my freind, there have been hundreds of these stickers slapped on posts and shop windows all over Tunstall! I have been doing my best to translate what the message on the sticker is actually saying, this is what I've discovered.
Basically, the message "Muslims Beware! It is Haram to attend the Kufr Mela" can be broke down into:
1. Haram - For the Islamic term for "legally forbidden by Islamic law",
2. Kufr - Kafir (Arabic: كافر kāfir; plural كفّار kuffār) is an Arabic term used in a Islamic doctrinal sense, usually translated as "unbeliever" or "disbeliever". The term refers to a person who rejects God or who hides, denies, or covers the "truth".
3. Mela - An Arabic word refering to a gathering.
Therefore, the message could be translated as being "Muslims Beware, It is legally forbidden by Islamic Law to attend unbeliever gatherings"!
The date at the bottom of the sticker '25th September 2011'has baffeled me, try as I might I cant find anything that happened on that day (locally or nationally) that would reveal the identity of the people or organisation responsible for these stickers.
I can only assume that these stickers have been distributed by one of 'newly emerging' groups of Islamic radicals in my city. Of course I may be wrong, if anyone reading this knows otherwise - please 'wise me up'!
On the message: its clearly a warning - to Muslims, but also non-Muslims! Its a warning to comply with Islamic law.
Of course I realise that these stickers could be the work of a 'lone nut', but the seriousness of the message (a warning to all who fall foul of Islamic law) compels me to pass this matter on to you.
To the person or organisation responsible for these stickers I would warn them that this is England, English Law prevails here - and always will do!
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