Please view the enclosed video, its quite important.
There are two startling features of this video that give us valuable insights into the nature of radical Islam and it's followers and the regime that 'owns and controls' our nation.
My first observation is that the people shouting 'British police - burn in hell!' are fundamentalists. There can be no doubt here that these people are 'extreme' in their belief - there is no grey area here, to march down the high street wearing masks and shouting for British police to burn in hell is proof indeed as to the true nature of these 'protesters'. Also of note here is the explanation given by the leader of the march as to his view on English law. He tells us that any law that is not Islamic law is a law of hypocrites and fools! I think he is trying to tell us that he (and those who follow 'true' Islam) do not recognise English law. This, ladies and gentlemen, is the key 'note' of the video, an admission by a leader of a very well supported group that he does not recognise the law of this land and that anyone who wants to be a good 'Islamic' must also reject the law of the hypocrites! The controlled media is tiresome in its insistence that the rapidly growing Islamic population on my island is 'peaceful' and 'moderate', the comments and cries in this video for 'death to the police' must surely lay that 'deception' to rest!
Looking forward, I think that in just 100 years time, when the vast majority of people living on my sacred island will follow the Muslim religion, that the future will be quite bleak for those who 'don't' follow the religion/cult of Islam. The young lady who presented the video was 'challenged' by some of the masked marchers to go and put some clothes on! The masked marchers commented that the young lady was out to 'seduce' someone because of the way she dressed! Again, this gives us a little glimpse into the inner thinking of the Islamics and will also give us a little peek at the future for our children and grandchildren - if we allow our nation to be consumed by Islam!
My final observation is that there were no police at this march! Clearly, some senior police officer has taken the 'strategic' decision not to police this event. Again, dear reader, this act by a senior police officer will tell us something of how the upper echelons of the police and Home Office think - and will expose their true political agenda.
For a march of radical Islamics not to be considered to have a policing requirement is inconceivable! This march should have been policed, everything in Britain is policed - charity events, football matches, car boot sales, the mums dropping their children off at the local infants school - everything is policed, recorded, monitored and watched very closely in Britain - and so the big question before us is why was this march of Islamic radicals not policed?
Of course, the depressing answer is that the police (like all of the other institutions of this state) have a political agenda, and a fully fledged battle (resulting in many arrests) in the high street with three hundred Islamics would be 'counter' to that agenda. And so some high ranking copper has taken a decision 'not' to police this event so that his police officers would be in no position to hear those inevitable screams for 'British police - burn in hell!' and would not have to make those arrests.
And so, I have to conclude, that we have, in Britain, a very unpleasant group of people who own and control my dear country - that we have a police force that 'picks and chooses' the events it polices (in accord with the political agenda fed to it by the Home Office) and that the rule of English Law is being challenged by a growing fifth column of Islamic radicals who, ultimately are determined to impose Sharia Law upon my people.
I have to go to work now so I'll end quickly by appealing to all Britons and all who are true to European civilization to stand up, as I do, and fight against this coming tyranny. To those reading this who conspire with the enemies of my people to destroy my homeland I would like for you to know that 'I can see you' and that your treachery has be 'noted'!
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